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Penguin UK cover for ‘The Separation’ is now ready

July 2013

the-separationThe big news is that the Penguin UK cover for ‘The Separation’ is now ready. You can see it here, or on the books page. I love the moody feel and gorgeous colours and I hope you like it too. Publication is still almost a year away, so I’ve been busy finishing off the draft of Book 2, ‘The Tea Planter’s Wife’ and my agent, Caroline Hardman, is now reading it. Fingers crossed she likes it, and that my publisher likes it too. Sometimes the editorial process seems to take longer than writing the book in the first place, but it’s that editorial process that has taught me so much. Your editor responds to a book as a reader would, which helps enormously as it can be difficult to distance yourself from your story, but an editor sees it with new eyes and also brings a wealth of experience to their response. I do enjoy the editing because it’s so worth making a book the best it can possibly be, though it can be tricky knowing when to stop.

While Book 2 is away, it gives me a little time to think about Book 3, and for that one I have another exotic location in mind, but it’s early days as I’m still turning over possibilities. I’m also learning about GoodReads, which at the moment is something of a mystery to me, although I’m beginning to figure out how it works. If you’re on the GoodReads site please do make contact.